Build An Amazing Web Site

As a small company, we understand that today’s marketplace demands that our businesses are always online. This can be tough when our competitors are multi-billion dollar companies. Colorado Digital Development feels that the only way to remain competitive as a small business today is to help others around you. That is why we started this free web building service to assist other local companies with the seemingly daunting task of setting up a website.

Our Services For Businesses

Small Businesses should Support Each Other

Colorado Digital Development is a side project started by the marketing team at VacuumsRus. We decided that the best way to support small businesses in our community was to set aside time each month to help others.

What We Do

Set Up Your Domain

  • Help Register Your Domain
  • Set Up Web Hosting Account
  • Help Claim and Manage Your “Google My Business” account

Build Your Site

  • Create Basic Site Structure
  • Import Content
  • Provide a Brief SEO Analysis
  • Set Up Your New Business Email

One Hour Meeting To

  • Teach You How To Update Your Site and Create Content
  • Show How to Administer Your Web Hosting and Domain Name

What We Don’t Do

Charge Anything

We will never charge you a dime for the web services that we provide.

Update your Site

After we set up your site and show you how to create new content, the rest is up to you!

E-Commerce Sites

We will not set up online E-Commerce platforms for your products.